March 2016 RSS Feed

Found 1 blog entry for March 2016.


Homeowner Tax Deductions that May Help You Out 

Let’s face it, taxes are here to stay and will only increase as time goes on.  We all need to pay our fair share but you shouldn’t pay more than you have to.  As a homeowner, you’re paying not only income tax but also property tax.  Here are some ways you can boost your tax savings by taking advantage of Homeowner Tax Deductions.

Mortgage Interest and Refinancing

For most of us, a large portion of our monthly income goes directly toward the house payment.  Thankfully, you can deduct the following on your on your taxes:

Interest Paid on the Mortgage

  • Points and Origination
  • PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance)
  • Interest on a Home Improvement Loan
  • Interest on a Home Equity Loan (up…
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